The DIS 2024 Doctoral Consortium provides current doctoral candidates unique opportunities to present their projects, receive feedback, and engage in exchanges with researchers and peers in design-related fields from around the world, in a stimulating, open, and safe environment.
This year the format will take the form of a presentation-response format. Presenters will have ten minutes to present their research and this will be followed by a ten-minute response from another presenter, who has read the paper in advance and prepared at least two discussion points. Presentations and discussions will be orchestrated in thematic sessions to reflect the interests and focal areas of the participants.
Important dates
Doctoral Consortium submission deadline | March 14, 2024 |
Notification for Doctoral Consortium | May 3, 2024 |
Camera Ready deadline | May 17, 2024 |
Doctoral Consortium at DIS 2024 | July 1, 2024 |
DIS 2024 Conference | July 1-5, 2024 |
As part of submissions to the Doctoral Consortium, we invite you to consider the conference theme, “Why Design?”. With this theme, we encourage in particular submissions about PhD research that aims to position design as a force for transformation in times of uncertainty. We encourage submissions that reimagine or critique taken-for-granted forms of designing, as well as suggestions for undisciplined, playful, open, and pluriversal design approaches. But we also welcome all other design-related research topics in the contribution areas of the conference, namely: Critical Computing and Design Theory, Design Methods and Processes, and Artefacts and Systems.
The doctoral consortium will take place on-site at IT University, Copenhagen.
You must be enrolled in a design-related discipline as a doctoral candidate at the time of submitting your application and at the time of the conference. You will get most value from attending if you are already in possession of a clear direction for your thesis but have not yet finished your research. However, people at other stages may be considered. We are expecting to accept up to 10-12 candidates. As part of submissions to the Doctoral Consortium, we invite you to consider the conference theme, “Why Design” With this theme, we encourage in particular submissions that deal with what is lacking in our on-line presence, such digital touch, internet of senses, being here with others despite being apart. But we also welcome all other design-related research topics.
Preparing and Submitting
Submissions must be done through the Precision Conference submission system (PCS).
PhD Abstract
This year you can submit your PhD abstract using one of two formats, either:
- A four-page extended abstract (not including references) about your PhD using the submission template for ACM papers, or;
- A four-page extended pictorial abstract using the pictorial formatting (please see guidance on the Pictorials section).
Extended Abstract Templates
- Microsoft Word
- LaTeX (Use sample-manuscript.tex for submissions)
- Overleaf (or search for: ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article)
Pictorial Abstract Templates
- DIS2022 Pictorials InDesign Template
- DIS2022 Pictorials Word Template
- DIS2022 Pictorials Powerpoint Template
Supporting Materials
The supporting document should include the following (you may format the documents as you see fitting):
- A short CV (max 1 page).
- A list of three key readings, with a brief description of how they have influenced your PhD (max 1 page).
- A brief statement of where you are in your PhD process (max 200 words).
- A written statement of commitment to do the requested preparation ahead of attending, including submitting slides ahead of the event and committing to attend.
After acceptance, we will also ask you to submit:
• A brief list of your responses (min 2, max 4) to your paired presenter.
Review Process
Submissions will be reviewed by the Doctoral Consortium Chairs. Participation in the Doctoral Consortium will be limited to candidates who have been accepted into the Consortium. You will be notified of the outcome by May 3, 2024.
If you are accepted to the Doctoral Consortium, we will send you registration instructions. Participation in the Doctoral Consortium is free of charge to the invited participants. If you are presenting and/or participating in any other part of DIS 2024, you will need to pay the student conference registration fee. Taking place at IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1-5, 2024
IT University of Copenhagen Rued Langgaards Vej 7 DK-2300 Copenhagen S Denmark
- Elisa Giaccardi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Alex Wilkie, Goldsmiths, University of London