DIS’22, the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS), which took place online in an asynchronous format from 13-17 June 2022, is now closed. Our theme aimed to respond to the need for designers and design researchers to not only design for wellbeing but also to look after their own wellbeing and the people around them, through and with design. We had an acceptance rate of 23% (detailed breakdown here), cementing DIS further as a Tier A conference. All accepted submissions, including PDFs, previews and presentation videos, are now in the ACM Digital Library: the proceedings contain the papers and pictorials, the companion proceedings the doctoral consortium entries. The conference program can be accessed online here:
Thanks to our sponsors, we had a record-breaking 1624 registered attendees that made use of our free registration. Thank you to everyone who participated, asked questions via Twitter and Discord, and engaged in scientific debate. We also thank all the authors and the organising committee who went on this incredible journey with us.
DIS 2022 General Co-Chairs
Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller and Stefan Greuter
Digital Wellbeing
The ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) is the premier international arena where designers, artists, psychologists, user experience researchers, systems engineers, and many more, come together to debate and shape the future of interactive systems design and practice. DIS is ranked 11th in HCI on Google Scholar and a Tier A publication venue, partly due to an average acceptance rate of 25% over the years.
The theme for DIS 2022 is “Digital Wellbeing” and will be held online from June 13-June 17 2022. The theme responds to the need for designers and design researchers to not only design for wellbeing, but also to look after their own wellbeing and the people around them, through and with design. The result will be an opportunity to learn who we are and who we want to become. To achieve this, DIS 2022 will be a way to identify how to get there.
For DIS 2022, we again had focused on two venues, the Paper & Pictorials, and the Doctoral Consortium.
We received an outstanding response with 600 submissions to our call. We accepted 101 out of 469 papers (making it an 21.5% acceptance rate), and 30 out of 97 pictorials making it a 30% acceptance rate), making it for an overall acceptance rate of 131 out of 578 papers & pictorial submissions (22.66%). For the Doctoral Consortium we had 22 submissions and accepted 14, making for a Doctoral Consortium acceptance rate of 63%.
We aim to support attendees’ wellbeing through the conference experience: we tried to make it as stress-free as possible to submit work and feature an asynchronous format that supports people in different time zones and with different family commitments. This hopefully supports many people in attending the conference and discussing interactions, materials, processes, technologies, and designs in novel ways. We thank our sponsors that allowed us to make the conference registration free for everyone, allowing us to introduce this conference to a broader audience worldwide. These proceedings are proof of the community’s ability to support each other’s wellbeing.
Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia) & Stefan Greuter (Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia)
Aligning with our theme, DIS 2022 will be an asynchronous distributed conference, like before. We will continue DIS as a premier venue for interaction design research in HCI while preserving our collective health, safety and sanity. In these times, survival, perseverance and continuity is a triumph. The opportunity to share our work, and to think about material, interaction, process, technology and design is a cause for celebration.
The venues for DIS 2022 will be the technical program (papers and pictorials), and the doctoral consortium, repeating the venues from the previous DIS. We forgo workshops, provocations, demonstrations, the student design competition and the design exhibition, which DIS can welcome with open arms when we are all able to physically meet again.
Important dates
Papers & Pictorials: Title, abstract, authors, and other metadata submission deadline
Papers and Pictorials: PDF submission deadline
11 February, 2022 AoE
18 February, 2022 AoE
- Doctoral Consortium submission deadline and Student Volunteer deadline
14 March, 2022 - Papers & Pictorials notifications:
6 April, 2022 - Doctoral Consortium notifications:
11 April, 2022 - Papers & Pictorials publication-ready deadline:
20 April, 2022 - Doctoral Consortium publication-ready deadline:
29 April 2022 - Video-ready deadline:
11 May, 2022
DIS2022 is sponsored by