All accepted submissions will be invited to showcase their work through video presentations. These videos will be publicly distributed through the ACM SIGCHI YouTube channel. We will ask all presenters to create two videos:
- A 10-minute presentation video discussing your submission (this is the conference talk)
- A 30-second teaser video to advertise your work-this video will be shared through social media to help encourage people to view your paper and longer presentation
Accepted submissions will be required to submit their videos by May 11th (time – anywhere on earth AoE). This will ensure enough time for us to process the videos, add the conference banner to them, and upload to the ACM YouTube Channel (check out the DIS 2021 papers and pictorials video – 10-minute talks and 30-second teaser)
Video Creation Guidance
10-minute conference video
Presentation format:
- Recommended: full-screen screencast of the slides, with a picture-in-picture video of the presenter
- Acceptable Alternatives: full screen of slides with audio of speaker or slides and speaker video side-by-side.
- Other presentation formats can be used (e.g. include a short demo in the presentation), keeping in the spirit of what kind of presentation you would have delivered at the conference
Video Format: .mp4 (H264 codec required)
Resolution: Recommended – 1920×1080 // Acceptable Alternative: 1280 x 720
File Size Limit: 300mb
Duration Limit: 10 minutes
For information on creating a remote video check out: A Remote Video Presentation Guide | by David Ayman Shamma | ACM SIGCHI See also the SIGCHI Author Resources Video Guide
All videos must be accompanied by SRT closed captions. For information on creating SRT captions please see: Caption Instructions for Authors
To get your videos down to under 300MB, you can re-encode videos to reduce their file size:
- For MacOS, Windows and Linux, Handbrake ( is a free software that can re-encode videos to MP4.
- For those who prefer command-line tools, ffmpeg is a great choice (
30-second Video Preview
For your 30-second teaser video, think about your quick pitch for why people should check out your amazing paper! Feel free to be a bit more creative with these as they are advertisements for your longer video. The only thing we ask is to have a 4 second title slide with the title, authors, and affiliations. We will share these on the DIS 2021 social media account when we advertise your paper.
Some guidance for creating your teaser video:
- File size: 20 MB
- Video duration: 30 seconds or less
- Video resolution: 1920 x 1080
- Video format: .mp4 (H264 codec required)
- The preview should contain a title slide with the title, authors, and affiliations. Titles and credits should last less than 4 seconds
DIS2021 Video Chairs
Nikolas Martelaro
Assistant Professor, Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Gerard Gerard Mulvany
Deakin Motion Lab, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
If you have any questions about video submissions, please reach out to video chairs at