What is the Demotrack: Playful Experiences ?
DIS 2024 Playful Experiences Demotrack is an exhibition of art and design projects that create or engage with playful experiences. It welcomes submissions of interactive works that explore the nature, purpose, and value of play as a critical and conceptual engagement with materials, people, and the world from a wide range of areas that may include HCI, Design, and Digital media, and physical computing prototypes. We understand play from a broader perspective, as a form of playful experience through the lens of ludic design. From this perspective, submissions should go beyond game and game-like experiences, combining aesthetics, critical design, techno-craft and research-through-design approaches. They should also challenge the conventional modalities of demonstration and be exploratory, provocative, innovative and ambitious as means for projecting alternatives and more livable futures. The Playful Experiences Track wants to reflect the importance of play (Sicart, 2024) as a mode of engaging with the world. Thus, successful submissions should inquire, through the lens of fun, on topics central to technical and material cultures and help illuminate, reflect, enjoy and critique central aspects of our technological lives.
NB. DIS 2024 will be an in-person-only event, and attending online or with a video will not be possible. We encourage you to ensure you can make it to Copenhagen the first week of July 2024 before you submit
Important Dates
Playful Experiences Submission Deadline | 11 Apr 2024 |
Notifications | 10 May 2024 |
Camera-Ready Completion Deadline | 17 May 2024 |
DIS 2024 Conference | 1-5 July 2024 |
Submitted works to the Playful Experiences Track will be peer-reviewed, and accepted ones will be exhibited during a special evening session at the IT University of Copenhagen main campus building. Furthermore, they will be published as short papers, and if authors wish so, materials such as videos and posters will be on display throughout the conference. DIS 2024 will help with the technical setup and installation of the works selected for exhibition at the Playful Experiences Track. Given the nature of the track as an interactive exhibition, the track chairs and PC members will work closely to achieve a balance between aesthetic and academic values.
Preparing and Submitting Your Playable Track Work
The Playable Track is organised around a one-day exhibition at the atrium of the IT University of Copenhagen’s main campus building. This is a space roughly 30 meters long, and 3 stories tall. Information about the building can be found here: https://en.itu.dk/About-ITU/Building
At DIS 2024 there will be a technical team to support the installation of works.
The Playable Track welcomes submission of art pieces, research through design works, and performances. The central topic is the use of play as the core of a critical, reflective, or joyful experience. For the Playable Track, we require the following submission materials.
Extended Abstract
Demo abstracts are a maximum of six pages in length (including references). All submissions should be formatted using the ACM Primary Article Template AND Publication Workflow. All figures, tables, appendices, and a synopsis of less than 150 words, must fit within the six page limit. Proposers should use the one-column camera-ready version of the template; your extended abstract submissions should not be anonymised. References DO count towards the page limits. Submissions that are over the required length will be rejected. We encourage new demonstrations of work in progress or previously published work that was not presented in the demonstration format. Submissions will undergo juried review by the committee.
Project Documentation
A series of videos, images, or links to playable/interactive demos of the submitted work that document the work and can help the reviewers and track chairs make the final selection for the exhibition.
Demos Specification and Requirements
A separate supplemental demo specification document as a PDF file that describes the demo’s infrastructure and space requirements, as well as the indicative size and any unusual set up requirements. Specification to include up to four photographs or diagrams of set up of the demo, and should outline basic technical requirements needed. In addition, this document should detail any potential risks (e.g. safety) and how the demo intends to manage these risks. Note that successful applicants will be expected to bring all primary technical equipment required for the Demo.
Accessibility requirements.
DIS is a broad and inclusive community, and making your demo submission accessible will help promote equal participation from people with disabilities. The accessibility chairs have provided additional guidance on making submissions accessible that we encourage submitters to use when preparing their submissions. Please refer to the accessibility guidelines in the call for papers and pictorials for creating accessible submissions/PDFs and as well as guidelines for creating accessible figures and tables
Formatting your Submission
It is important that your submission is formatted correctly. Incorrectly formatted submissions might be rejected. Online guidance is available from the ACM:
https://www.acm.org/publications/authors/submissions All paper submissions should be formatted using the templates described on this webpage, so please read the instructions here: https://www.acm.org/publications/taps/word-template-workflow
The ACM workflow requests authors to produce final publications (PDF and HTML5) by themselves using TAPS. Demos submissions must be submitted in PDF. First, authors prepare their manuscript in the designated one-column format in PDF using LaTeX or Word. LaTeX users should us: \documentclass[manuscript, review]{acmart}.
Reviewers will review the papers in the one-column format.
Quick Links to Paper Templates
- Microsoft Word
- LaTeX (Use sample-manuscript.tex for submissions)
- Overleaf (or search for: ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article)
Playful Experiences Chairs
- Miguel Sicart, IT University of Copenhagen
- Rilla Khaled, Concordia University in Tiohtià:ke/Montreal
- Vasiliki Tsaknaki, IT University of Copenhagen