DIS 2024 Zine Library is an informal exhibition of “zines,” or self-published, often handmade magazines that serves as a creative outlet for artists and designers to showcase their work, express ideas, and connect with others on a wide range of topics, often featuring unique bindings, sizes, and designs. The “Zine Library” at DIS 2024 will display one zine from each contributor as an open exhibition where visitors can peruse the work as they please. To learn more about zines, we encourage you to visit here and here.
You can see the Zine archive for DIS2024 here
Preparing Your Zine for Display
We welcome you to bring your own zine to the inaugural zine library exhibition. Topics of zines can relate to your research and/or design and art practice, as long as your work adheres to the ACM code of ethics.
Instructions for participation:
Prepare your zine and have it ready to go in its physical format. We will not be able to print and produce zines for you on-site.
We highly recommend adding a colophon, or a brief statement about the zine’s publication, including where it was published, who published it, when, and the materials used to create it. By doing this, the viewer of the zine can learn more information about the project and potentially contact the author.
When you arrive at DIS 2024 check-in, we ask you to turn in two copies of your zine. A DIS Zine Chair will add it to the library.
(Optional) If you would like to have copies of your zine available for attendees to take with them, we have space available in the Analog Cafe. If this opportunity appeals to you, make sure to leave your zines at the check-in desk along with the other two copies you’re submitting to the DIS Zine Chair.
For any questions or concerns, please contact zine@dis2024.acm.org. Note that participation in the DIS Zine Library will be an in-person-only opportunity as participating online will not be an option.