Important Dates
Submission Deadline | March 17, 2023 |
Notification to authors | April 14, 2023 |
Camera Ready deadline | May 13, 2023 |
Doctoral Consortium at DIS 2023 | July 10 – 11, 2023 |
DIS 2023 | July 10 – 14, 2023 |
The Doctoral Consortium (DC) provides doctoral students with a unique opportunity to meet and discuss their current research and creative explorations with each other and experienced colleagues in the DIS community.
We are excited to return to an in-person event hosted by Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The DC will be an action-packed two days where doctoral students will receive guidance on challenges and future directions via a stimulating, open, and safe environment. The DC also provides an excellent opportunity for professional development, including building one’s peer and mentor network.
Participants will also present a poster of their work at the main DIS conference. This will provide an additional avenue for students to receive feedback, but from conference participants.
Applicants may be at various stages of their doctoral research; however, their research should be focused and advanced enough (though not entirely complete) that they will benefit from guidance and feedback provided by the DC.
Preparing and Submitting
Submissions to the DC require an extended abstract and supporting materials. Posters are not required at time of submission, only for accepted participants. Materials should be submitted via the Precision Conference submission system (PCS).
Extended Abstract
Your extended abstract describing your dissertation research should be a maximum of 6-pages single column (excluding references). The extended abstract must be entirely authored by the student and should include:
- A 150 word summary (the “abstract” of your extended abstract).
- Your name, advisor(s) name(s), and the department and university where you are conducting your doctoral work. Submissions should NOT be anonymous.
- Current year of study and projected completion date (plus information about the regulations of your PhD program regarding length, any part-time study, etc.)
- Have you ever attended another doctoral consortium (e.g., at CHI, CSCW, C&C, TEI, or any other major SIGCHI conference)? If so, at what conference? Note: we may give precedence to students who have less experience attending doctoral consortium.
- The background and motivation for your research, including the key related work that frames your research
- Specific research objectives, goals, or questions; explain how your work builds upon related work in the DIS discipline and (optionally) how your research is appropriate to this year’s conference theme of “Resilience”
- Research approach, methods and rationale
- Results and contributions to date
- Expected next steps, as well as open questions and challenges that you face in your research
- Dissertation status and long term goals
Formatting your Submission
As mentioned above, DC submissions should include a maximum 6-page extended abstract (excluding references). Authors must prepare their manuscript in the designated ACM single column format, in PDF using LaTeX or Word. It is important that your submission is formatted correctly, using one of the following single column templates:
- Microsoft Word
- LaTeX (Use sample-manuscript.tex for submissions)
- Overleaf (or search for: ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article) LaTeX users should use the following in their preamble:
\documentclass[manuscript, review]{acmart}
Incorrectly formatted submissions will be rejected. Additional online guidance is available from the ACM:
The ACM workflow requests authors to produce final publications (PDF and HTML5) by themselves using TAPS. Additional instructions for camera-ready preparation can be found here:
Creating an Accessible ACM Conference Submission
ACM publications are reviewed and read by many people. Making your paper accessible will help to promote the equal participation of people with disabilities. The accessibility chairs have provided additional guidance on making submissions accessible that we encourage submitters to use when preparing their submissions. Please refer to the guidelines for creating accessible submissions/.pdfs in the call for papers and pictorials, as well as, the guidelines for creating accessible figures and tables.
Supporting Materials
The supporting document should include the following (you may format the documents as you see fit, but they should be uploaded as .pdf):
- A short CV (max 2 pages).
- A short letter of support from your supervisor, which includes a statement of where you are in your PhD process (~200 words).
- A written statement of commitment to do the requested preparation ahead of attending.
Review Process
Submissions will be reviewed by the Doctoral Consortium Chairs. Due to the curated nature of the doctoral consortium, we regret that not all excellent candidates can be accepted due to space constraints, match with mentors, and the need to select a broad range of research interests and backgrounds. It is anticipated that 12-14 students will be accepted. No feedback on submitted applications will be provided.
The final participation in the Doctoral Consortium will be limited to candidates accepted into the DC.
We are hoping to offer financial support to a limited number of Doctoral Consortium participants. More information will be provided shortly.
In the meantime, we encourage interested participants, if eligible, to apply to the Gary Marsden Travel Awards. One call is before the submission deadline (March 9th) and another deadline is in May 9th (see the call for all deadlines and details): note that any questions regarding this award should be directed to, not organizers at DIS.
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
- Sun Young Park, University of Michigan
- Corina Sas, Lancaster University
- Norman Makoto Su, University of California, Santa Cruz