Important Dates
Provocations and Work-in-Progress submissions due | March 17, 2023 |
Acceptance notifications | April 28, 2023 |
Camera-ready due | May 12, 2023 |
Call for Submissions
The DIS 2023 Provocations and Works-in-Progress (PWiP) track supports authors to propose novel, in-progress, and thought-provoking research that challenges the status quo The PWiP track invites small but significant contributions that can point to new directions and spark discussion at the conference. While Works-in-Progress (WiP) report on initial insights from unfinished studies, Provocations present novel ideas, critiques, and arguments without requiring the rigour of a supporting user study or fully documented design project and the associated citation practice. We welcome all submissions related to the design of interactive systems as well as the conference’s main theme of “Resilience,” as described on the conference website. The PWiP track particularly welcomes design research contributions that value:
- Novelty over evidence (You do not need a finished user study)
- Provocation over generalisation (You do not need to make everyone happy)
- Design making over design guidelines (Why not show us, rather than tell?)
PWiP papers must represent original content that is not replicated in concurrent submissions under review elsewhere. We accept submissions that build upon prior work by offering a substantively new contribution. We encourage authors to look at previously published PWiP papers from DIS 2019 and DIS 2020.
All PWiP submissions will be peer-reviewed and decisions on acceptance will be made by a Programme Committee. Accepted PWiP submissions will be published in the DIS 2023 companion publication and appear in the ACM Digital Library (adjunct proceedings).
Please note: a PWiP publication is not considered an archival publication.
Preparing and Submitting
A PWIP paper is a maximum of six pages in length (including references). Submissions that are over the required length will be rejected. All submissions should be formatted using the ACM Primary Article Template AND Publication Workflow. Proposers should use the one column version of the designated ACM template (see below). All figures, tables, appendices, and an abstract of fewer than 150 words, must fit within the six-page limit. References DO count towards the page limits.
PWiP submissions should be as close to their publication-ready versions as possible since authors will have limited time to make changes to their papers following acceptance. Papers that require major changes may not be accepted.
Submissions must be anonymised and should be submitted via the Precision Conference submission system (PCS)
Formatting your Submission
It is important that your submission is formatted correctly. Incorrectly formatted submissions might be rejected. Online guidance is available from the ACM:
All paper submissions should be formatted using the templates described on this webpage, so please read the instructions here:
The ACM workflow requests authors to produce final publications (PDF and HTML5) by themselves using TAPS. PWiP submissions must be submitted in PDF. First, authors prepare their manuscript in the designated one-column format in PDF using LaTeX or Word.
LaTeX users should use
\documentclass[manuscript, review]{acmart}.
For an anonymous submission use
to automatically replace the authors for “ANONYMOUS AUTHOR(S)”. The authors then submit the PDF and the source files via PCS.
Quick Links to Paper Templates
- Microsoft Word
- LaTeX (Use sample-manuscript.tex for submissions)
- Overleaf (or search for: ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article)
Creating an Accessible ACM Conference Submission
ACM publications are reviewed and read by many people. Making your paper accessible will help to promote the equal participation of people with disabilities. The accessibility chairs have provided additional guidance on making submissions accessible that we encourage submitters to use when preparing their submissions. Please refer to the accessibility guidelines in the call for papers and pictorials for creating accessible submissions/PDFs and as well as guidelines for creating accessible figures and tables
Upon Acceptance
In addition to the camera-ready version, accepted submissions will also be asked to prepare and submit a short teaser video (approximately one-minute) to promote contributions at the conference and to share the work with the broader community. The PWiP tracks intend to innovate on the usual poster session format. Authors of accepted PWiP submissions will be required to register a full conference and present a poster during the conference with the option to additionally present a designed artifact relating to the work. Details regarding presentations of work will be provided with acceptance notifications.
Provocations and Works-in-Progress Program Chairs
- Dina El-Zanfaly, Carnegie Mellon University, PA, USA
- EunJeong Cheon, Syracuse University, NY, USA